Service Use Guidelines:

Users agree to abide by intellectual property laws when accessing Amdavad Community Service Portal. The portal provides a platform for comprehensive service management and efficient service delivery, automating the complaint process.


Amdavad Community Service Portal reserves the right to edit, modify, or remove any content without notice. Users must adhere to a fair use policy. The portal is not liable for any loss incurred due to unauthorized account use. Users must use the service for lawful purposes and not violate third party rights.

Your Content:

By posting content on, Website, Web, Android and iOS application users grant permission for its use by Amdavad Community Service Portal. Users are responsible for the content they publish and represent having necessary rights to publish the material. The portal may review, edit, modify, or remove content at its discretion


The Privacy Policy outlines information collection and use practices. Users consent to the practices described in the policy.


Amdavad Community Service Portal takes security seriously and employs reasonable practices. Users must report any account compromise or discovered vulnerabilities. The portal is not liable for security breaches beyond reasonable measures.


Any Citizen of Ahmedabad aged 18 to 55 can register and access amdavad community service portal.


Respecting intellectual property rights, Amdavad Community Service Portal responds to copyright infringement notices. Users found to be repeat infringers may have their accounts terminated.

Changes to Our Service:

Amdavad Community Service Portal may change, eliminate, or restrict access to services at any time,with or without notice.


The portal is provided "as is" without warranties. Amdavad Community Service Portal disclaims all warranties and limits liability for indirect damages.


In case of disputes, users are encouraged to mail to for informal resolution.


Terms are based on and subject to Indian law. Users consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of Ahmedabad, India, in disputes.

Entire Agreement:

Terms and the Privacy Policy constitute the entire agreement between users and Community Service Portal.


Terms may be modified, and users agree to accept any changes by continuing to use Amdavad Community Service Portal.


For questions or feedback, contact